Friday, May 15, 2009

Basic Social Structures

Han China
  • strong emperor with the Mandate of Heaven
  • large bureaucracy
  • society was divided into citizens and noncitizens, who were subject people with no rights
  • Upper-class patricians and lower class plebeians
  • Wealth and ancestry determined one's place in the Roman social divisions
  • Family heads (paterfamilias) were male and had power over wife and children
  • Women could not vote but could divorce and influence the family's financial affairs
  • caste system divided society into specific social classes
Bantu Africa
  • established farming communities in an area populated by a few groups of hunter-gatherers
  • gave Africa a sense of cultural unity
  • Monarchy - rule by single leader
  • Oligarchy - rule by small elite
  • Republic - most citizens play a role in government (Rome)
  • Democracy - political rights to all adult citizens (Athens)
  • Independent city- states - Greece
  • Parliament (law making body) and Nobility - assist Monarch in ruling
  • Hierarchy - social class rankings
  • Social Mobility - the ability for an individual to more from one class to another
  • Patriarchies - male dominated societies

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