Thursday, May 14, 2009

Societal Connections Pre- 1000 C.E.

I.–Introduction to Cultural Connections

·      Diffusion- the spreading of elements of one culture to another. (esp. cultural diffusion)

II.– Reasons for Diffusion

·      Trade is most obvious form of societal connections.

-      Motivates interaction– beneficial to both parties

-      Establishes physical connections (Silk Road, trade routes in

 Mediteranean and Arabian Seas and in Indian ocean, 

caravan routes across the Sahara).

-      Trade of slaves lead to physical diffusion of peoples 

(therefore, culture).

·      Spreading of Religious ideals:

-      Hinduism throughout South and Southeast Asia.

-     Buddhism from India to East Asia.

-      Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all from Middle East outwards 

into Asia, Europe and North Africa.

-      Confucianism and Daoism both thoughout East Asia.

·      Migrations:

-      Important Nomadic Groups:

§       Aryans spread down Eastern Europe into India~ 

1500 B.C.E.

ú       Took Dravidians (native Indians) 

as slaves.

ú       introduced Sanskrit, Vedic and early 

Hindu faiths. Formation of caste system.

§       Celts spread throughout Europe, esp. Ireland, Wales and 

Scotland~ 500 B.C.E.

§       Barbarian Tribes: Germanic = Saxons, Angles, Goths

Asiatic = Huns, Magyars

§       Turkic groups: Tartars, Ottomans, and Seljuks, for 

example, spread throughout Central Asia, continuously

§       Huns spread throughout central Asia

ú       Attacked and helped bring to end many 

empires– Roman, Han, and Gupta~ 

100- 300 C.E.

·      First Migration, out of Africa btwn 100 and 200 thousand years ago

·      Bantu Migration– across southern Africa

-      spread cultivation of crops to hunter-gatherer areas, which 

promoted growth of civilizations (as opposed 

to purely nomadic tribes).

·      Great Age of Migrations– 200- 1000 C.E.

-      Influx of invaders (“Barbarians”) in Europe, esp. Germanic 

and Asiatic tribes.

-      They helped shape Europe’s nations by settling permanently.

-Sophia Abbot

1 comment:

  1. Short & Sweet. Great job!

    -Seong Im Hong
