Thursday, May 14, 2009

Belief Systems Through 600 CE

· Monotheism – belief in only one God

· Polytheism – belief in multiple Gods


- Most predominant religion in northern India

- Aryan Invasions 2000 CE

- One supreme force (Brahma) creator of all things

o Gods all manifestations of Brahma

§ Vishnu – Preserver of the World

§ Shiva – Destroyer of the World

- Worship at home and at temple

- No single holy written source because it was passed on for centuries – has a holy set of literature

o Veda – collection of prayers, hymns, incantations and services

o Upanishads – sacred texts/interpretations of Vedic traditions

- Caste system

o Brahmin – priests

o Kshatriyas – warriors and princes

o Vaisyas – merchants

o Sudras – peasants

o Untouchables – everyone else

- Dharma – rules and obligations you were born into (each caste followed own dharma)

- Ultimate goal – to achieve moksha – highest state of being

- Reincarnation

- Sati – sacrifice of women at husband’s cremation

- Cow is sacred

- Jainism – offshoot of Hinduism, takes sacredness higher


- Siddartha Gautama 563 BCE

o Became Buddha or “Enlightened One” after sitting under Bodhi tree and thinking about life

- Four Noble Truths

o Suffering is universal

o Suffering is caused by desire

o The cure to suffering is eliminating all desire

o Following the Eightfold Path will eliminate desire

- Eightfold Path

o Right knowledge

o Right aspirations

o Right speech

o Right conduct

o Right livelihood

o Right effort

o Right mindfulness

o Right meditation

- Nirvana – “self extinction”, state of perfect peace and harmony

o Ultimate goal of Buddhism – extinguish all desire and the self

o May take lifetimes to achieve

- Divided after Buddha’s death 483 BCE

o Theravada Buddhism – “lesser vehicle”

§ Most closely followed precepts of Buddha

§ Meditation, simplicity

§ Largely followed in SE Asia ex) Vietnam

o Mahayana Buddhism – “greater vehicle”

§ Complicated, lots of rituals

§ Followed in Japan, China, Korea


- The Tao – “the road or path”

- Lao Tzu 600 BCE

o Believed to be author of Tao Te Ching

§ Addressed individual, ideal state, relationship of individual to state, and attributes of good leader

§ Individual was good, but individuals living close together brought chaos (ambition/activism brought chaos)

- Urged search for balance in universe -Yin-yang

o Yin – feminine, passive, cold

o Yang – masculine, active, hot

- Didn’t address needs of daily living – Confucius did one a century and half later


- Not a religion, but a philosophy

- Confucius (Kung Fu-tzu) 551 BCE

o Remembered through Analects – his sayings/teachings compiled by his students

o Stressed virtue, which could be developed by education

§ Education should be open to everyone

- Filial piety – respect to elders

- Five relations

o Subject to emperor

o Wife to husband

o Eldest son to father

o Younger brother to older brother

o Friend to friend

- Emperor in Confucius society most virtuous leader

· Following three religions are MONOTHEISTIC, and in order of evolution


- Oldest monotheistic religion

- Moses and the Ten Commandments

- Torah is holy book

- Jews believed they were the “Chosen People” - if they follow his laws, worship him, remain faithful, they would be preserved for all time

- Task of humans is to honor/serve god by following laws of Moses, promote ethics of prophets, maintain identity of people

- Strict dietary laws

- Values freedom and choice of destiny


- Jesus of Nazareth is son of God

o Born in Bethlehem

o Was considered a Messiah – would save the ppl

- Taught devotion to God and love for human

- Bible and the Gospels

- St. Paul important for spread of Christinity

- Emperor Constantine declared Christianity official religion of Roman Empire 380 CE

- Focused on individual’s troubles

- Worship at church


- Founded by Prophet Muhammed 7th cent. CE

o Hijira 622 to Medina – when Islamic calendar starts

- Allah is God

- Five pillars

o Testimony of faith – “There is no God but Allah, and Muhammed is the messenger of Allah”

o Praying 5 times a day

o Fasting during Ramadan

o Giving charity

o Pilgrimage to Mecca once in your lifetime

- Qur’an is holy book

- Mecca – sacred city, important in trade

- Emphasizes individual surrendering himself to God by following Qur’an – will enter paradise

- Worship at mosque

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