Friday, May 15, 2009

Developments in the Arts and Sciences

  • Cuneiform (3300 BCE) - script using wedged shaped characters
  • Gilgamesh Epic (2000 BCE) - one of the world's oldest literary works. This tells the story of a Sumerian king's quest to achieve immportality
  • Pottery and metalworking
  • Skilled astronomers
  • developed a base-60 number system
  • Egyptian Book of the Dead - important religious text explaining what happened to the soul after death and how to reach a happy afterlife
  • Hieroglyphics (3100 BCE) - script made of pictorial characters
  • Pyramids (2630 BCE) - tombs for pharaohs
  • Papyrus - paper made from the fibers of reeds
  • developed world's first alphabet (1100 BCE)
  • Homer - poet who composed the Iliad and the Odyssey
  • Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides - classical playwrights
  • Socrates, Plato, Aristotle - philosophers
  • Hippocrates - ancient Greek medicine
  • Wide assortment of classical architecture and sculptures
  • master road builders and engineers
  • created many roads, fortifications, cities, and aqueducts
  • imitated Greek cultu
Gupta Empire
  • created the decimal system
  • created the concepts of pi and zero
  • Justinian ordered the creation of the Church of Hagia Sophia